Hi there,
I am Chris Holloway and I write this blog; The Electronic Mountain Leader (EML). Funny name huh? My friends gave me the nick name back when I was working towards my Mountain Leader - a comment on the amount of technology I carried/used out on the hill.
I work within education in Stoke on Trent, on a wide variety of topics, in addition I am heavily involved with the Air Training Corps, and hold a commission in the Royal Air Force Reserves Training Branch, which keeps me heavily involved in the delivery of adventure training courses. Another passion of mine in addition to my work is outdoor gear, I love to argue about and keep up to date with the latest innovations in gear, this invariably leads to me spending too much on gear. I will be cover OutDoor 2015 this year.
In addition to my degree (BSc Geography with mountain leadership), I am a qualified teacher and I hold a number of other outdoor qualifications, as well as being a Pilot Officer in the Royal Air Force Reserve (Training Branch). I am constantly working towards new ones. In 2015 I will work towards my MIA (Mountain Instructor Award) and my WML Assessment (Winter Mountain Leader), along with completing a masters degree (MEd) in Education in September. I am also working on a few other qualifications such as the Climbing Wall Leading Award (CWLA) and RYA Powerboat instructor, so 2015 will be a busy but hopefully rewarding year for me! I have always loved writing so decided to set up this small blog to share reviews on current equipment, and offer advice to people on what I think the best pieces of gear out there are. I always value peoples opinion on my site, any feedback etc is always welcomed, so any questions just shout up! Other than that check back regularly as I post most weeks!
Well there you go you now know a bit about me!
The opinions expressed in my blog are not representative to any of the organisations to which I am affiliated.
Thanks for reading guys!
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Mountain Bear: The Electronic Mountain Leader mascot |